Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Personal care products - How to choose ?

I have been using a number of personal care products, just like everyone else. A few decades back, there was not much option. A few brand names, each marketing a few products. But now , the scenario is different. There are thousands of products with so many brands. Just walk into a mall or supermarket. You will be pulled to the wide variety of products, in attractive containers with pleasant colors. How to choose the right one? Or safe one ?

Are all the products safe ? Do they perform , as claimed by the manufacturer? What are the ingredients and the process that go in to the product.? Will the use of it have any long term effect? Should I select a product, which is endorsed by my favorite actor ? or a super player ? Or should a settle for the one, which is constantly bombarded thru TV commercials ? The ads are made more and more attractive and every brand seems to be the only one and the ultimate one.

Before choosing a personal care product, it is better to check the label . The products which use mostly natural ingredients are better.

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